Stress Facts

April 20, 2010 by admin  
Filed under About Stress

If you are dealing with stress, then you should know that you are not the only one. In this busy lifestyle, so many people feel as if they are carrying the world on their shoulder. We have money to be made, children to take care of, ourselves to take care of, a car to maintain, pets to feed and so much more. When we fall into financial turmoil, then even more stress is put on us. Below, we are going to give you some stress facts.

Number one: according to the National Health Interview Survey, seventy five percent of the population will experience some stress every couple of weeks. Half of those are experiencing high levels of stress.

Number two: Millions of Americans are suffering from an unhealthy amount of stress in the work environment. A couple of years ago, a study estimated this number to be at eleven million. Since this study, the number has tripled.

Number three: In California, mental stress claims rose two hundred to seven hundred percent during the 1980s.

Number four: One of the most important stress facts is that it can be harmful to your health. Stress is known for contributing to high blood pressure, heart disease and other illnesses in many individuals.

Number five: This problem not only affects the way we think, but it also affects the immune system. The immune system is what protects us from getting serious diseases.

Number six: Antidepressants, tranquilizers and anti-anxiety medications are accounted on one fourth of all prescriptions given in the United States every year.

Number seven: This issue contributes to the development of obesity, suicide, drug addiction, alcoholism, cigarette addiction and other behaviors that are harmful.

If you or someone in your life is dealing with a lot of stress, then it is important that you realy these stress facts and help them learn some stress relief exercises. Remember, there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

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